Instagram – ANYONE can see my photos? Really? Damn shouldn’t have taken a photo of……..

So recently I have been dabbling in a few social networking platforms. I have had a Facebook page forever but I am trying out Twitter and now using Instagram on my iPhone. In another of my blogs Social networking, where do I draw the line I talked about my confusion with all the different sites for personal social networking. I displayed a photo of Austin I took with my new Instagram account and I have been stoked with Instagram, I have taken photos of everything, food, the kids, the animals, random trees and mailboxes. But I didn’t really use it to look at other people’s photos in fact I thought that it was private unless I clicked on share with either Facebook, twitter etc etc.

Now here was my mistake – My husband is living overseas and we will be apart for some time so couples do curtain private things, cringing now, to well keep each other interested. okay so sorry if that is too much information but you all know what I am getting at (I assume). Now thinking my Instagram was private I took a photo, not a total red light district sort of photo but never the less it was a photo that was meant for just my husband and my husband alone. I like the added effects the Instagram photos have, you know black and white, aged look or brighter, duller etc but I guess should I have known it was public I would’ve gone for a basic boring photo of yes I took the photo of my chest.

Did my chest look better? probably? Was it worth it? No, now had I known I was going to have nearly shown my best friend my chest I would not have been quite so eager to use the effects. So there it is at least I NEARLY showed my best friend but it is only nearly because I decided to delete the photo after I emailed it to Morgan, why? Because I didn’t want my five-year old daughter looking at the photos only to find a photos of a pair of boobs, would she have known they were mine? No, my face was not in the shot but still I decided I didn’t want to have to have the conversation explaining why I had a photo of ‘someone else’s’ boobs.

How did I find out it wasn’t private? Well my friend commented on why the heck I was taking photos of the cat, the dog, the tree and the mailbox oh and the placemats, random I know but I was playing with the effects. If she was shocked I took photos of placemats imagine how shocked she would’ve been to see my, well chest. Okay so the moral of the story is, before you take photos of your chest use just the normal camera on your phone and email it. Also look and check out all apps you load on to your phone make sure you know exactly what they do and who sees them.

Happy Birthday Ty

On Tuesday we celebrated our son Ty’s third birthday. I feel a mixture of emotions at the moment, I am torn between feelings of happiness and sadness. I am so happy to see my wee man growing up I love how his personality is growing and his character is getting stronger, however I am sad that my little man no longer needs me to hold his hand as much. He likes to do things for himself, he is slightly stubborn about trying new things. Gone are the days when I can just easily get him to do a new activity or eat a new food, don’t get me wrong he is a full on out going little man and he is not in the slightest a fussy eater but he will only try these new things if he wants to, you know if it is on his terms.

Well back to Ty’s birthday. Any birthday morning in our house starts with the unwrapping of all the presents and there are always lots of presents because, well I wrap everything individually, thus extending the unwrapping excitement. So Briley and Ty sit on my bed (Austin has also sneaked up to enjoy the action) and unwrap all the gifts together.

Unwrapping in our house is a team effort

Ty got heaps of gifts – A Tank, A Mater pick up truck from the movie Cars, A book, Clothes and………

CHOCOLATE, no present is complete without Chocolate, yum.

On Tuesday evening we went around to Ty and Briley’s Nana and Granddad’s (My in-laws). They wanted to wish Ty a Happy Birthday and give him a present. Now you know how every birthday there is a stand out gift, you know the one you can even remember now. I am sure for Ty that gift is the Buzz Lightyear he received from Nana and Lindz (Granddad), Ty could hardly control his excitement as he spied the toy through the box.

It has lights and sounds, this is the coolest toy ever!

Come on Lindz get it open already!

Ty sat on the floor and if it wasn’t so late in the evening and we didn’t have to leave to come home I think he would’ve sat there for hours. But instead he fell asleep in the car on the trip home and I put him into his bed without waking him. Ty had a great day celebrating his third birthday and made memories that I will never forget (him being only three might mean he forgets though) but we have awesome photos to remind him of his wonderful day.

Austin’s fight against Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

I have worked as a veterinary nurse for over eleven years, I worked full-time until I decided last year, that my children were to take centre stage and I handed my notice in at Remarkable Vets to be a full-time stay at home Mum. I loved, no I still love my chosen profession, there is something special that comes with a job that gives you the opportunity to get close to people and discuss with them these beautiful animals that most our clients think of as their extended family. I enjoy giving advise to clients about diet, health, training, I love nursing both routine, medical and surgical cases. I love the reward that comes from veterinary nursing both from the client and the patient, yes the veterinarian has the most important role in caring for these animals but I love my role, the role that is sometimes mundane (yes I clean cages and flush i.v drip lines) but when it comes to adding a little personal touch, that is me, that is my role. Veterinarian’s can (not always) be a little clinical with their delivery of information to a client so, in steps the nurse and sometimes just a hand on someones shoulder, a hug or even just the comment “wow, he was our star patient today” is all a client needs to feel comforted through-out an often emotional time.

Last week it was me that needed the hug from a vet nurse, I took our dog Austin in to Remarkable Vets because when Austin didn’t want to eat his break-fast I knew he must been feeling pretty yuck.

Meet Austin – Austin is our beautiful (debatable I know) British Bulldog

I was concerned their was something going on with him, he had been lethargic, vomited and now not eating but I never imagined that he was going to be really sick like REALLY sick. Austin had a PCV of 18 (A PCV of 37 to 55 percent, is normal) so at 16 Austin gave us a lot to be concerned about. His spleen and liver on palpation felt enlarged then this was confirmed in the ultrasound, an enlarged spleen could be either part of the cause of anemia or be a response to the anemia, spleen working overtime due to the increased number of dead red blood cells (in basic, basic terms). So there it is, after speaking to the pathologists, specialists at a specialist centre in Christchurch and vets at Massey University, he was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, specialists were needed because he had other possibly unrelated symptoms. Wow what a mouth-full and what a long road we have in front of us, will Austin be okay? That is still to be seen but I think he is a fighter and if being allowed to sleep on my bed now is a cure, then yes he is going to be just fine.

Austin is a huge part of our family, dress-ups would not be the same without him

He is so tolerant of ANYTHING Briley does to him, including riding him (I promise this was when he was feeling 100%)

Today Austin is tired, sleeping (and snoring) a lot, we all have our fingers crossed our adorable Austin fights this.

“Your the Best Mum in the Whole Wide World”

As a mother of two and living with my husband working away in Abu Dhabi I find myself spending a lot of time getting tied up with the mundane, boring but ultimately  necessary tasks like washing, cooking, cleaning and so on and so on. So when my daughter Briley (who is five) tells me “Mum, you are the best Mum in the whole wide world” I pause, smile and I take the time to take it in. I spent many seconds enjoying the warm, gooey feeling because to be fair she does not always think I am “the best” in fact there have been occasions when she has said quite the opposite. I think as a parent it is these small victories, those little moments of light that our children give us that make all the washing and cleaning in the world well, quite frankly worth it. I have two beautiful children and I don’t just say that because they are MY children, I genuinely believe they are beautiful but they still throw the odd “I hate you” and “You never let me do anything” at me. I don’t want to put anyone off having children because having children is amazing but damn, it is not always an easy or a thanked job. I love the little ‘wins’ the moments that make me happy my husband and I decided to have these little monsters darlings.

What made me the “best Mum” today, well I think that was because on Friday Briley had a shared lunch at her school which involved all us parents making our children’s favorite recipe to share for lunch with everyone else, now Briley requested Apple Sponge which is not really a lunch recipe but I thought what the heck this is about Briley not about what is healthy for lunch. Briley was stoked when she saw I had made little mini apple sponges in silicone muffin cups. The lunch was awesome it was great to meet other parents and let the toddlers have lunch with their siblings at school.  I was also quietly happy when Briley not only said “Mum your apple sponge is the best” but also because she said “other Mum’s made yucky salads and healthy fritters” so yes I’m going to take this as a ‘win’. Was it a competition? Not officially but if it was I won, I won in my daughters eyes and that is all that mattered.

Having Briley say that reminded me of what she said the other day in the car, we were parked outside my parents house picking up Ty (her brother), I was explaining that she wasn’t going in and that I was just going to run in and grab Ty. She paused and said “if it’s so late to be going home why don’t we get take aways for dinner because you don’t really have time to cook”. Now in that moment I found myself staring off into space, I was staring for two reasons the first because I was tempted by this idea of me not cooking but also because I didn’t want her to know I was tempted by her idea, I needed to pause,  I needed to be sure I was happy to get take aways before I gave her a response because once I said yes there was no going back. But in those few seconds of time lost in my thoughts assessing the situation Briley comes out with “Oh, um, this is awkward” and I cracked up, I couldn’t believe that she knew that saying and that she knew when to use it. So needless to say we had take-out for dinner (making me the best Mum that night too).




To busy for ‘Man-Flu’

It is just getting cold here in little old Queenstown, which to be fair is a good thing. Cold weather brings snow which in turn brings tourists to our resort town, which brings in the money money money. Everyone living in Queenstown either directly or indirectly relies on the tourists and their happiness to open their wallets. I am not a big snowboarder or skier but I certainly see the importance of keeping the tourists happy. What I am not so happy with is the fact that I always get a bout of flu at this time and I don’t handle being sick very well. I generally get Man Flu, no I am not a man but I think the ‘Man Flu’ that affects men makes an exception every year and affect me, yes the very un-man like me. My husband being on the other side of the world makes him about as unhelpful as he could be. He is normally very good to me during these ‘man flu’ times, making dinners, tidying the house, caring for the kids and animals, plus making hot drinks and applying hugs where needed. So to say that I am struggling here is a bit of an understatement, I am on top of everything in general but not now not today, today I am scrabbling to keep afloat. Oooh that was tough to admit!

What I normally do is moan but do nothing about it, meaning I complain but don’t seek medical advise until I am feeling like I am going to die. Not this time, I have no time for dying at the moment plus no one to feel sorry for me while I die, so I have taken drastic action, I have been to see a doctor. My doctor was fully booked (Of course, it is Friday) so I had to see someone new – Dr Cooper. He was amazing, he could clearly see that this was in fact a serious case (of man flu) the kind that needed to be hit hard in all directions to get through. No I apparently do not have man flu, I do in fact have Strep Throat (swab to confirm) phew, I was a little worried I was being a drama queen. I have a temperature, I have swollen glands and normal flu-like symptoms to go along side my suspected Streptococcus, nice. Okay so where to from here…….Drugs, penicillin, codeine, Pseudoephedrine and aspirin to be exact.

I am somewhat disappointed in myself that I am blogging about my flu but I am being swallowed by this flu. It is all I can think about i am drowning here and heck I always write about what I know and right now I know all about being sick. I only just started this blog and if I have learnt anything from reading other peoples advise about blogging it is to keep doing it, don’t let your blog go too long without a post. Does anyone else feel nervous about leaving it too long between posts? I must also say on a side note that I Hate, yes hate with a passion my stats page, it has only so far bought me disappointment. So here I am blogging about my flu but I promise that with this cocktail of drugs that  I am taking I will not be sick for long (assuming I can swallow these HUGE capsules). I have a birthday to plan, next week is my son Ty’s third birthday so I will be over this and I will nail making the best dinosaur, yes the best dinosaur cake that he has ever seen (LOL he hasn’t seen any others).

Beef shin with Orange and Black Olive – Osso Bucco Style

I would love to say that my children get excited about trying new and adventurous foods but sadly that is not the case. My son Ty is fine with trying new things and by fine I mean he gives anything a go although he is not always happy about it but when I signed up for a locals card at the Mediterranean Market, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they email out a new recipe incorporating their weekly specials. So I have decided to challenge myself, yes I enjoy baking but my cooking is generally pretty basic, so my challenge for myself is to create all the recipes they email. Ok wish me luck, I’m pretty sure I am going to need it.

Ingredients – Yum everything FRESH FRESH FRESH.

 Meat seared, fresh ingredients added, brought it to the boil and damn it smells great (I love the smell of garlic, mmm). Into the oven it goes.

Okay so it doesn’t look amazing but it did taste good, not perfect but it was good. I enjoyed it, Ty ate some of it and Briley, well she flat-out refused to try it. Would I recommend it? I’m undecided, it was perhaps not as good as it could have been, it was my first time using beef shins therefore I am sure this recipe has potential to be a whole lot better than my creation. Perhaps you should give it a try.

Braised Beef Shin with Orange and Black Olive – Osso Bucco Style

  • 600 g Beef Shin, sliced
  • 60 ml (4 tblsp) Olive Oil
  • 30 g (1 oz) Flour
  • 1 can (375ml / 8oz) Peeled, Whole Tomatoes
  • 500 ml (2 cups) Beef Stock
  • Peel of 1 Orange
  • 150 g (5 oz) Black Olives (Kalamata are best)
  • 8 Garlic Cloves
  • 3 Bay Leaves
  • 12 Button Mushroom
  • 100 g (3 oz) Speck (or Bacon)
  • Salt, Fresh Ground Black Pepper
  1. Cut the peel off the orange with a sharp paring knife or a vegetable peeler. Keep the  peel slices big (they will be easier to remove from the dish), but don’t leave the pith (white part).
  2. Peel and cut the garlic cloves in half
  3. Cut the speck in cubes
  4.  Pre-heat the oven to  180 degrees
  5. Pour 3/4 of the olive oil in an oven proof pan and heat it up on the stove.
  6. Brown the meat in the hot olive oil and Sprinkle Flour over the meat.
  7. Add the tomatoes and the stock., olive, bay leaves, garlic and orange peel and bring to    the boil, cover and place  in  oven.
  8. Cook for 1.5 hour to 2 hours (or until the meat becomes tender).
  9. Remove the orange peel and bay leaves from the dish.
  10. Use the remaining olive oil to panfry the mushroom and speck and add to the dish
  11. Serve with penne pasta and your favourite greens.



Jessie’s Puppies

I am a veterinary nurse so of course I am a huge believer that all pets should be neutered. No they do not need one litter to feel whole, nor do they need to ‘cock’ their leg when they pee and no they do not need their testicles to feel ‘manly’ (It’s the owners that need that) I say neuter your dog and go and buy a bigger car so YOU can feel manly. Okay my rant part is over, this is not a post to moan about everyone who doesn’t share my view on the importance of neutering, it is a post about my brothers dog Jessie and her puppies. I’m blogging about puppies because you know what puppies are cute.

Meet Jessie and her puppies, Jessie is a beautiful black labrador but no the father was not a labrador, hmm actually I have no idea what or who the father of her puppies is. Jessie is always in a fenced yard, walk on a lead except for the daily swim in Lake Wakatipu (which is bloody cold so she does the swim part alone). So when it was noticed that she was getting a ‘baby belly’ it came as a bit of a shock. Now my brother was not prepared to spay her while she was pregnant because this would mean aborting the pups. As a vet nurse I’ve…. I hate to say it but I have gotten used to the idea of spaying dogs while pregnant, I guess I always justify it by reminding myself about how many puppies get euthanized in shelters and SPCA’s. But here with one pregnant dog.

Jessie had three very cute puppies – What puppy is not cute?

Day ten the puppies are opening their eyes (although not yet seeing).

Jessie was a great Mum and watching the pups as they got bigger and stated playing was very entertaining.

Two puppies FREE to good homes, no not really but it looked like Jessie was wishing for that when I took this photo.

As the puppies grew so did their adorable personalities, they were so adventurous.

Jessie’s cute little puppies went away to great new homes. (Sadly the white puppy died on day two)

Jessie was a great mum, the puppies got great homes, my kids loved playing with two cute little puppies but she needed spayed, there are just too many unwanted puppies out there. Jessie was booked in the week the pups were adopted. I love puppies and I love that my children got to experience looking after them and watching them grow. We have Jessie’s litter mate so when the children asked if we could keep a puppy I found it easy to say no. Two dogs is enough for this little house.

This was Jessie the night she came home from the clinic, she was pretty relaxed that night after the anaesthetic and morphine. She still has her sutures in and I honestly think she can’t wait for them to come out so she can get straight back into the Lake for a swim.

Winter’s coming and I refuse to get fat.

Winter is coming I can feel it, I live in Queenstown, New Zealand and for everyone who is not familiar with Queenstown it is pretty much New Zealand’s tourist capital. We have skiing and ice hockey in winter, bungee jumping and white water rafting in summer. Clearly they are only a sample of all the tourist attractions we have, I am not prepared to list off everything because that would bore you and I to tears. Winter here is cold, not extreme cold just snow on the mountains tops, puffer jacket and scarf kind of cold. We generally get one or two decent dumps of snow down in the town but otherwise it generally keeps to the mountain tops (which I must say is where it belongs). I was getting to my car after a much-needed trip to the hairdresser today (Yes my hair looks amazing) and while I was walking I was freezing, it is now officially time to have my puffer vest with me at all times.

I am not a fan of winter and last year I was lucky enough to escape the cold, our trip to Abu Dhabi was planned to skip winter for a year – Brilliant plan! This year I am not so lucky, I am here for the long haul and quite honestly I am not looking forward to it. Do I snow board? No, well not in years. Do I ice skate? No, again well not in years. Do I look good in a puffer jacket? No, I am short yes I am only 1.55m, that’s pretty short and well I am about a size 12NZ so no this short, heavier than she should be twenty-nine year old does not look good in a puffer jacket. Do I get to the point that I am that cold that I don’t care how I look in a puffer? Yes, yes I do, because one thing I do however enjoy about winter in ice hockey so yes I wear a puffer jacket and while I am sitting in that freezing cold rink, I rock that puffer as best as I can.

But what is most concerning about the inevitable winter months is my extremely bad habit of over eating, okay maybe not over eating but more like eating too much of the foods I know I should eat the least of. What should I eat?

Yum, yes I genuinely mean that. I like vegetables but that’s not winter warming, good old kiwi (meaning New Zealand) comfort food. I am already one size more than I would like myself to be now so the last thing I want is to give in to winter cravings and get myself looking like a beached whale. Okay I don’t really think that is possible, I just don’t want to go backwards, I want the weight to STAY AWAY. Sure I know I just need to balance the input, output ratio but I also know it is easier said than done.

So here is my challenge for myself – Get through winter weighing the same or less than I do now. I can do it, I’m educated I know which foods are either good or bad for me, I’m not on a diet I just want to be more aware of what I put in my body. Can I do it?    FOR SURE.

Social networking? Where do I draw the line

Social networking it is a huge part of my life now. I have a husband on the other side of the world in Abu Dhabi, so I am always updating my Facebook with new photos and status’ about what the kids and I are up to. I know he needs the contact as much as I do but if I was honest I think I would check in with the likes of Facebook just as much, even if he was here with me in New Zealand. So yes I think that is an excuse, I think I feel like I have to in a way justify my addition to my iPhone. There I said it, wow what a weight off my shoulders, I have an addiction! LOL

And there is the other CRAZY thing about what social networking sites have done to the english language, I find it bizarre that I find myself a twenty-nine year old using letters and symbols to describe my, hmm my emotions. How disappointed must all English teachers out there must be, their A+ students lowering their standards all because we need to get the emotion and comment out so fast that we don’t have time to type the whole word. Ooh I just had a thought what about typing teachers, do they still exist? Is typing still a subject? Surely all up and coming students have enough typing experience well before high school. Funny I must look into that.

Okay I have a Facebook account, I like it I chat with my ‘Friends’, share photo’s and comment on what they have been up to. I up date my status but I am always careful not to do that too often, it’s just annoying knowing every detail from every ‘friend’. I started a Twitter account yesterday, I know some might say I need to get with the times but in all honesty I am still not sure I want a Twitter account. Although I was interested to know that Lady Gaga had a bird outside her room that sounded like a boiling tea-pot and it was quite disappointing for her because she kept thinking her tea was ready, oh and Katy Perry tweeted (even that word cracks me up) “WE LOVE FRUIT” Now I am not sure who the ‘WE’ is she is referring to but clearly I needed to know and you know what now I do, awesome. Clearly I need to find some more interesting tweeter’s LOL (every time that word gets me) but it was only my first day,  just give me more time and I’ll find them.

Well after starting this blog I down loaded a new app ‘Instagram’, again I know it has been around for ages but I just jumped on the band wagon…….And I think I am going to love it, I took a photo of Austin sleeping and I loved trying out all the effects. But I was sending the image to my Facebook page, just because I can and then I noticed a Flickr and a tumblr option. So now I have two whole new networking sites to check out tomorrow, will it ever stop, will I ever just say “you know what Alicia, you have enough Apps, you have enough Friends”……No why there is a whole world out there and I think it is exciting!

Charities – Go on give them your loose change……Or not

I am a good person I never litter, I recycle what I can, I read to my children and if an old lady needed help crossing the street, I help her for sure! One thing I find most of us do is donate to a charity, even if we just have one favorite. My favorite has been ‘The Guide Dog Foundation’ for years, I have collected for them, once standing outside the local supermarket for three hours and honestly my little bucket was getting heavy. I think The Guide Dog Foundation appealed to me because I decided that if I was to be blind I would like to have the help from a guide dog, therefore giving to others already in that position seemed the right thing to do.

Personal circumstances contribute to if and when we donate – My father went through treatment for Bowel Cancer late last year (He is doing great) and because we live in Queenstown, he had to go to the city to receive treatment and he needed somewhere to stay and Daffodil House is a charity that helps support families coping with cancer. That has meant their charity is close to the top of my list, they were amazing to my father and I will now show my appreciation by donating to their cause. It’s amazing how personal events or circumstances put things into perspective, I wonder if these events have the same effect on others…hmm how could it not.

While collecting that long day a couple of years ago for The Guide Dog Foundation I noticed human behaviour that I am not so proud of – I am only collecting money IF you WANT to donate I wasn’t standing there with an AKA demanding everyone’s loose change but you would’ve thought so. I was dodged by everyone, even people I knew, it was like I was going to yell out in the crowd and embarrass them if they didn’t donate enough. I was so shocked not because not everyone wanted to donate, that’s okay and I expected that, it was their behaviour, the dodging the quickly looking away, the looking through me that was so shocking.

So next time you walk past someone collecting for a charity, donate or not that is up to you but what you don’t need to do is be rude, we all have events in our lives, we all have our own issues going on in our personal lives so remember that. Smile, say hello and then either donate or just keep walking it’s up to you, surely no one is going to chase you down the road and demand you donate. (If that happens I am sorry, they are the exception)

– Alicia